[drupal-support] Spam filtering not working on trackbacks?

Jeremy Andrews jandrews at kerneltrap.org
Tue Apr 26 11:51:50 UTC 2005

>> This is a known issue. Trackbacks are not passed trough spam module when
>> added, so it cannot be marked as spam.
> not complete true, jeremy wrote a patch. see 
> http://drupal.org/node/15510 and http://drupal.org/node/16690

I believe my patch only works with 4.5.  I have not updated it for 4.6. 
It's not a trivial port, as the trackback went through some major changes. 
(ie, it's using its own tables to store trackbacks, rather than sharing 
the comments table)

This is on my todo list, but it's probably going to be quite a while until 
I get to it.


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