[drupal-support] node_example.module output?

Jim Tittsler jwt at onjapan.net
Tue Jul 19 14:38:54 UTC 2005

I'm trying to write a custom node module based on the  
node_example.module, but it acts like Drupal 4.6.2 is filtering the  
output of node_example.module's theme_node_example_order_info().  The  
<div xxxx> and </div> tags of the example disappear (at least with  
any of the themes I've tried, both phptemplate and xtmpl style).   
I've also tried adding things like theme('table', $header, $rows) to  
its $output and the tags don't make it to my browser (but the content  
of the header and rows does).

Is node_example up to date?  (If so, how can I add tables, divs, etc  
to theme_node_example_order_info()'s output?)

Or is there a better example for a custom node type?

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