[drupal-support] Getting killed by spam

John Goerzen jgoerzen at complete.org
Sat Jul 23 01:42:04 UTC 2005


Over the past few days, I have been getting absolutely killed by
spam.  I am getting hundreds of spams per day that are slipping the
spam module undetected.  They seem very obvious, but it seems that due
to their very large length, the spam module is ignoring them.  I
submitted an issue http://drupal.org/node/27035 on this, but haven't
heard any response.  Alas, I'm no PHP hacker and probably can't fix
this on my own, but if it continues I am going to have to move all of
my sites to some other software.

I really like Drupal otherwise, and I'm hoping maybe somebody here has
some advice for me.


-- John

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