[support] Backing up, upgrading, moving drupal install

Bruce Whealton brucewhealton at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 10 19:03:19 UTC 2006

Hi all,
        I've been away for a bit from the list and now I'm noticing that 4.7.x is the latest version.  Ok, I have some sites that use 4.6.x.  I'm wanted to figure out what steps would need to be made to keep the content of a site and upgrade the install.  Here are some obvious concerns.
  1)  The modules are specific to a particular version, so whatever content used a module with 4.6.x will cause problems.  For example, I use a flexinode content type.  How can I keep content that uses the flexinodes for 4.6.x when I upgrade to 4.7.x?
  2) and other content that uses a module for 4.6.x what will happen to it when I upgrade to 4.7.x?  say I had a movie review module.  what would happen when I upgrade and no longer have that module available?
  3) what do I need to backup and how should it best be done to make these upgrades?
  4)  If I wanted to give a client all the content and the install of a site, on a CD, what steps would I take?  what would I need to backup and how?  The goal would be to give the client on CD everything they would need to keep the content and if needed install it elsewhere?  
  4a) What steps would be taken to one, backup everything and two setup the site again from the backup contents?
  5)  I want to do this with a writer's community site and poetry magazine online.  Where might I seek persons to share admin tasks for this community, from among persons that know Drupal?  Maybe a newsgroup, for writers, or one for CMS users, might exist where one could request others to join with me on such a website/CMS installation.
  Thanks so much in advance,

Bruce Whealton, publisher/co-editor/webmaster for ->
Word Salad Poetry Magazine - join us online at:
http://wordsalad.net/   and also ->
Bruce Whealton - Webmaster/Designer/publisher/Writer
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