[support] Need to move drupal site to a new server.

Larry Hedrick lhedrick at dharmatech.org
Sun Dec 3 04:48:33 UTC 2006


This will be a bit long and will do my best to explain my issue.  Thanks in
advance to those who are willing to read and try to help.

I have a running drupal site (Drupal 4.7 Civicrm 1.5) in producton.  I need
to import thousands of records and updates to current records.  I am not
willing to do this without a bit of testing first.  The production site is
running php4, not sure which version of apache.

I have a test server running ubuntu linux, apache2 and php5.  I want to copy
the working site from the producton ISP to my test system.  The test system
web server is running and phpinfo() returns a page.  Mysql is running.  I
have a working drupal site on this system which I installed from scratch and
I am having no trouble with it.  On the test system I create a new user,
lets call it "drupaltest".  I create a database named "drupaltest" and a
mysql user names "drupaltest".  I grant the mysql user "drupaltest" all the
required rights.

No I move the site.  On the production site I tar up all the files in the
working public_html directory.  I untar them into the drupaltest/public_html
directory on the new server.  I next edit the sites/default/settings.php
file to update the $db_url value to point to the new mysql database.  I
adjust the .htaccss as well.  

Now move the mysql database.  On the production site I run mysqldump to
build a SQL restore file.  Next, on the new system I run mysql and input the
restore file.  The database is now on the new system.  Phpmyadmin now shows
a fully load database.  Next, truncate the cache table.

I now try to access the new site from my browser on my windows system.


I now see:

Page Not Found

Looking at the code I have determined this is being returned by
menu_get_menu() in includes/menu.inc

Here is the call stack from right at entry of index.php

  Call to includes/menu.inc menu_execute_active_handler()
    Call to menu_get_menu     (returns a value)
    Call to $_GET   (returns a value)
    The call to substr in the next piece of code returns $path=null

  while ($path && !isset($menu['callbacks'][$path])) {
    $path = substr($path, 0, strrpos($path, '/')); 

The code next executes:


And we are quits.

Now my question.  What is wrong with the way I moved the site by using tar
and mysqldump.  This seems like a logical method since the only thing
installed on the production site was the code in public_html and the tables
created in mysql.

I have been at this for days.  Could use some help or a few suggestions.


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