[support] How to have different Primary Linksondifferentsections

Jody Cleveland Cleveland at winnefox.org
Wed Dec 6 16:05:46 UTC 2006

> Yes. How it gets styled will depend upon the stylesheets, and where  
> you place that print function.

Ok, so in my page.tpl.php, I had this:

      <!-- Navigation Level 2-->
      <div class="nav2">
	<?php if (is_array($primary_links)) : ?>
	  <?php foreach ($primary_links as $link): ?>
	  <li> <?php print $link?> </li>
	  <?php endforeach; ?>
	<?php endif; ?>

Which, I replaced with this:

      <!-- Navigation Level 2-->
      <div class="nav2">
	  <li> <?php print $header ?> </li>

Then, in Administer > Blocks, I enabled the teen zone menu, and placed
it in header. It does show up. However, it looks a bit off. I know I'll
need to do some tweaking in the stylesheet, but there are a few things
I'm confused on. Since it's a menu, it's adding in some extra stuff just
like it normally does when it's on the left. Namely, the title of the
menu. Here's the source code generated:

  <p class="sidebar-title-noshade bg-blue07">
    Teen Zone</p>
      <div class="sidebar-txtbox-noshade bg-grey03 mainmenu">

How do I control what gets displayed for that one menu? The biggest
thing is I don't want this <p class="sidebar-title-noshade
bg-blue07">Teen Zone</p>

Thank you for everyone's time in helping me with this.

- jody

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