[support] taxonomy_access, php input, and role id...

Jiann-Ming Su sujiannming at gmail.com
Wed Feb 8 08:35:48 UTC 2006

I found the taxonomy_access module
(http://drupal.org/project/taxonomy_access), which will almost do what
I wanted for the home pages per user/role.  When a user logs in, what
variable when using php input denotes the role id?  Or, is there even
such a thing, since a user can belong to multiple roles?

What I want to do specifically, is create a generic "downloads" page. 
When the user logs in and access the "downloads" page, the contents of
the page is dynamically generated listing nodes he/she has access to
as specified by the taxonomy_access module.

I can sort of do this now by creating individual aliases for the
taxonomy term, i.e. downloads1->taxonomy/term/X,
downloads2->taxonomy/term/Y, etc.  Ideally, I'd like to just have a
"downloads" that lists term/X and/or term/Y depending on the user. 
I'm guessing I should be able to key off of the role id to dynamically
generate such a page.  Thanks for any tips and links.

Jiann-Ming Su
"I have to decide between two equally frightening options.
 If I wanted to do that, I'd vote." --Duckman
"The system's broke, Hank.  The election baby has peed in
the bath water.  You got to throw 'em both out."  --Dale Gribble

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