[support] teaser trimming sometimes not working

Grant Malcolm grant.malcolm at gmail.com
Fri Feb 24 07:44:47 UTC 2006

Hi Cameron

Cameron Gregg wrote:
> I've noticed sometimes that when the teaser gets created it doesn't
> apply the trimming length I have set (600 chars). It only happens
> sometimes, and I'm baffled to what is causing this. Is this a known
> problem? is there a fix?

Not sure if you have the same problem I had.

I'm running 4.6.5 and found some users were copying and pasting from
Word into blogs via tinymce.

Probably when making the MS-HTML saner, it appears that entire
articles or at least many para's were wrapped in a single <p> pair.

line 197 of node.module should split a long para. at the end of the
first sentence, but for some reason it was failing. I edited the blog
entry, manually reformatted the paras, and presto! the teaser was
applied just fine.

Should really report this as a bug, i suppose.


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