[support] subscriptions queries taking a long time

Adam Gaffin AGaffin at nww.com
Sat Feb 25 03:57:15 UTC 2006

With the devel module installed, I'm seeing database access times of between
600 and 1600 ms for the following query:

SELECT td.tid, td.name, n.nid, n.title, s.stype, s.sid FROM ((subscriptions
s LEFT JOIN node n ON n.nid = s.sid) LEFT JOIN term_node tn ON tn.nid =
s.sid) LEFT JOIN term_data td ON td.tid = tn.tid WHERE n.status = 1 AND
s.uid = 1 AND s.stype = 'node'

Any suggestions on what I should be looking for to figure out why it's
taking so long? Apologies in advance if it's something blindingly obvious.

This is on Drupal 4.6.3 with MySQL.


Adam Gaffin
Executive Editor, NetworkWorld.com
agaffin at nww.com / (508) 490-6433 / http://www.networkworld.com
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