[support] multisite technical question

Greg SBC gregbjh at sbcglobal.net
Wed Oct 25 21:24:25 UTC 2006

I came across a similar issue with creating content. I wanted the dominant
term of a sub-site (made like yours) to be automatically selected when
creating new content from that subdomain (I also use TAC for access
control). I had to use the 'taxomony_default' modules and set the defaults
using the settings.php files, the 'conf' array. If you did something this,
then you would have to hack the search module to automatically filter by
this default term. Not simple or elegant.
Another way is to not share the TAC tables. But then you will have to
reconfigure each subsite with the TAC permissions, which depending on the
number may be a rather daunting task. But then no hacking modules. This is a
powerful, but complex way to differentiate your site permissions. I did this
for my site at www.skejo.com.


From: support-bounces at drupal.org [mailto:support-bounces at drupal.org] On
Behalf Of VJ Rao
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2006 1:45 PM
To: support at drupal.org; development at drupal.org
Subject: [support] multisite technical question

I have a multisite install where Im sharing content (nodes) , taxonomy and
users. (I am only not sharing the following tables : menu, cache, variable,
accesslog, watchdog)
I present content to different websites based on tags (for example
subdomain1.example.com will only present blogs tagged under vocabulary
subdomain1 , similar functionality for subdomain2.example.com etc..cross
tagged content will appear on both sites)
The problem Im facing is with search...I want anonymous users on
subdomain1.example.com to only see content tagged under subdomain1 while
Is there anyway to achieve this? I have installed TAC but setting
permissions for anonymous users on a per site basis is not possible...
Is there anything else I can be trying?
There is a way to change 'anonymous' user per site on
administer->settings...but that only seems to change the name
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