[support] Menu problem - sidebar menu items not getting wrapped in <ul>

Jody Cleveland Cleveland at winnefox.org
Wed Sep 6 16:39:29 UTC 2006

Hello again,

I've got a site here: http://www.wals.lib.wi.us/drupal/
(I'm using a modified version of the multiflex theme)

If you look at the menus on the right, the lists are pushed to the left,
so the bullets are chopped in half. (looks ok in IE) viewing the source,
I noticed that menus I create don't get wrapped in <ul></ul>. Rather,
they're stranded <li>'s.

Using the standard Bluemarine template, it works fine. So, that leads me
to believe it's a problem with my template. From what I can tell, that
would be defined in block.tpl.php, right? If it is, does this look ok?

  //  Content region needs different wrapper divs
if ($block->region =='content') { ?>
<div class="content<?php echo $layoutcode ?>-container line-box">
  <div class="content<?php echo $layoutcode ?>-container-1col">
    <p class="content1-pagetitle"><?php print $block->subject?></p>
    <div class="content-txtbox-shade">
     <?php print ($block->content) ?>
<?php }
// Test to see if the main menu is being output.  If so,
// use a special class to format it properly

elseif ($block->module == 'user' and $block->delta == '1') { ?>

  <p class="sidebar-title-noshade bg-blue07">
    <?php print "$block->subject"; ?></p>
      <div class="sidebar-txtbox-noshade bg-grey03 mainmenu">  
    <?php print $block->content; ?>

<?php } else 

	  // normal sidebar
      $colours = array("grey","grey","grey","grey");
      $colour=$colours[$block_id % 4];
      // a bit of a fudge, but it will do for now.
<p class="sidebar-title-noshade bg-<?php print $colour ?>07">
  <?php print "$block->subject"; ?></p>
<div class="sidebar-txtbox-noshade bg-<?php print $colour ?>03">
  <?php print $block->content; ?>

<?php } ; ?>

Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.

- jody

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