[support] Empty 'container' taxonomies

Albert Cuesta acuesta at gmail.com
Tue Apr 24 16:22:48 UTC 2007


Content in my Drupal 5.1 site is organized under two major 'container'
taxonomies (Articles and Releases). Each of them contains several
taxonomies (Hardware, Software, Music... and so on) and the stories
are assigned to one or more of them. I am using the taxonomy_context
module for the index of vocabularies.

My problem is that links to the two top 'container' taxonomies are
displaying a list of the taxonomies under them, but I need to display
a list of the actual stories instead, so clicking on Articles displays
stories under Articles/Hardware **and** under Articles/Software
**and** Articles/Music...

I know that a possible solution is to assign each story both to its
2nd-level taxonomy **and** to its 'container' taxonomy. The problem is
that I have more than 2,000 nodes in the site (imported from the
previous version in PostNuke) and I can't go through all of them
making the required changes.

What is the best way to make 'top' taxonomies display **the content**,
not the names, of all taxonomies under them?

Thanks in advance for any assistance


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