[support] Content Editing, no Display problem

sander-martijn sander at sander-martijn.com
Tue Aug 21 23:38:44 UTC 2007

tinyMCE has intelligently populated my styles menu and the class menu in 
insert/edit link with a few of my classes.  That would be great if it 
worked, but whether I select Class>arrow in the insert link popup or 
whether I select the link and select style>arrow it doesn't apply the 
class to the link. 

At first I thought this was a tinyMCE problem, but then I clicked 
"disable rich text" and manually wrote in the class into the html and it 
still stripped it.  So I finally dug into the database, discovered the 
content is held in the node_revisions table and saw that indeed it IS 
saving my class with the link, which means it's stripping it on 
display.   I'm set to Full HTML, so why is it doing this?  More 
importantly, how do I get it to pass this info through? 


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