[support] constructing CCK node by hands....

nelson - nelson1977 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 14 09:20:43 UTC 2007

Hi all,
   i'm trying to implement the following feature in my site. I want the user
select the path where he uploaded images. That's ok. Now my problem. I want
to scan that directory (ok, i follow image_import) and then i want to build
up a cck node by hand. The node would have image, reference to the user that
uploaded it, date and other infos (taken from the first form). Then i want
to turn it into a ecommerce product. How can i accomplish these two things?
I can' figure out code to create CCK node by hands, neither the way to make
a node a file product by hand. I want to show to the user thumbnails and
sell images.

The reference i found are  http://drupal.org/node/53119

Consulenze Linux e Windows

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