[support] views (menu-items for views) available on certain conditions

Bèr Kessels ber at webschuur.com
Mon Mar 12 19:44:45 UTC 2007


I have a view (table listing certain nodes) wich appears on 
/node/123/applications its path is /node/$arg/applications

if $node 123 is of type Foo, the page /node/123/applications makes sense, for 
all other types it does not. 

I would like to know if I can make that view 'active' or accessible, or appear 
as a tab, for only the node types where $node->type of 132 is 'Foo'. 
An alternative could be to not show the menu-item if the view is empty.

Note, that I am not looking at filters or arguments. Filters and arguments 
only define what nodes appear in the table on the /node/123/applications, 
they don't dictate wether the view is available.

Its for Drupal 4.7.

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