[support] Many menus - complex navigation

Eric Mckenna eric.mckenna at gmail.com
Tue May 8 18:16:14 UTC 2007

It's hard to just give an answer when it comes to custom menus.  So many 
things have to be factored in. ;)


* how to highlight A, B, C or D (with HTML classes?) and make a
menu only 2 levels deep

emm >> If you are using the drupal built in menus, the structure returned by menu_primary_links() is helpful.

* how to choose a submenu, and how to expand just the leaves
(leafs?) that lead you down the tree to e.g. b2-3-1, given that	  sub-sub-sub...section (so generating a menu 2-to-X levels deep)

emm >> choose your submenu by looking at the current node and finding its children with whatever method you have used to categorize your content (taxonomy, menu, ...)

jp.stacey at torchbox.com wrote:
> Hi,
> I've got much of the functionality together that I need from Drupal,
> except the client would now like quite structured menu navigation and I
> was wondering how I would accomplish this in the least hacky way.
> The site is divided up into sections with the category module, although
> final "pages" are often views rather than nodes, so (I think) they can't
> be categorised and hence put in a section directly. There's four to five
> layers of sections, and the end pages don't have to appear in the
> navigation themselves (except when they're what you'd call "index" pages).
> My problems are specifically at the view layer - putting the overarching
> menu together in admin isn't too hard. Any suggestions on the following
> requirements gratefully received:
> 1. Across the top, two layers deep into the section hierarchy:
> 	A	B	C	D
> 	(Hidden dropdowns:)
> 	a1	b1	...
> 	a2...	b2...	...
> 2. Down the left-hand side, the second and subsequent layers of the
> *current* section's hierarchy. So if you're in top-level section B:
> 	b1
> 	b2
> 	  b2-1
> 	  b2-2...
> 	b3...
> This would need to adapt depending on what section the user is
> navigating in (so in section A you'd just see a1...aN).
> 3. Current top-level-section (A, B, C or D) highlighted, and current
> sub-sub-...-section expanded on the left-hand side, all the way down.
> I can force sections for non-sectioned pages in template.tpl.php - I'm
> already doing it, sort of, for one of the views - but it'd be good to know
> how to do the above with the least PHP. Specifically:
> 	* how to highlight A, B, C or D (with HTML classes?) and make a
> 	  menu only 2 levels deep
> 	* how to choose a submenu, and how to expand just the leaves
> 	  (leafs?) that lead you down the tree to e.g. b2-3-1, given that
> 	  sub-sub-sub...section (so generating a menu 2-to-X levels deep)
> Many thanks in advance!
> Cheers,
> J-P

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