[support] Taxonomy auto tags help

Greg Knaddison greg at pingvox.com
Tue Nov 13 22:57:32 UTC 2007

On Nov 13, 2007 12:15 PM, Idan Arbel <idan at arbel-designs.com> wrote:
> I'd like to set up terms in a hierarchy with multiple levels.
>  Now every time a node is edited or created, I'd like for the node to be
> linked to to each term according to the content. If the word book apears in
> the node body or node title and I have a term book. I'd like the node to be
> tagged with that term, and all others.
> Anyone know of a module or technique for doing this?

Two potentially useful modules:
Which uses the "yahoo term extractor" to determine applicable tags
based on your content.

Which suggests terms based on what they have already tagged it with.

I know that these conflict with some of your requiprements
(hierarchical tagging, for example) but they are related and useful
taxonomy tools.  If you (or someone else) wants to write some code to
achieve this then these should help provide ideas and examples that
you could base the work on.


Greg Knaddison
Denver, CO | http://knaddison.com
World Spanish Tour | http://wanderlusting.org/user/greg

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