[support] Confessions of a Drupal Hacker 1

Fred Jones fredthejonester at gmail.com
Fri Nov 16 07:38:54 UTC 2007

> There may be an easier way, but that's the first that comes to mind.

My 20 lines of PHP code (mostly copied from other such pages) is indeed 
a lot easier. For me at least. :)

>> 2. A nested navigation UL based on a taxonomy vocabulary. What I mean is
>> that I have an estore and the categories of products are stored as terms
>> in a certain vocabulary. I want to display links to each category page
>> as nested UL lists, so that Shoes is one link and inside of it is
>> another UL with Men's Shoes and Womens' Shoes, each also a link to that
>> category.
> I am pretty sure there's a module that creates menu blocks out of taxonomy.  
> Search for "site map", restricted to project nodes.

Ah here go. Docs for http://drupal.org/project/site_map indeed say it 
can show:

"Any categories, i.e vocabulary, with all the terms expanded."


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