[support] I need to create multiple CCk nodes as an action.

Rajaram Shyamala shyamala at netlinkindia.com
Sun Oct 21 16:40:00 UTC 2007

I am able to query the nodes linked to a specific taxonomy and generate nodes, but in my loop the nodes get over written and in the end I hav eonly the last node.


 while ($node_tid = db_fetch_object($result)) { 

           global $user;
   $question->uid = $user->uid;
   $question->type= 'questions';
   $question->title = $node_tid->title;

           // $question = node_submit($question);
   $question->taxonomy = $category;
   $question->og_groups[]  = $gid;
    $new_id= node_submit($question);
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