[support] views fusion and nodeprofile

Bart bart at codefellas.com
Tue Sep 4 07:46:49 UTC 2007


I am having problems using the views fusion module together with nodeprofile.
This is what I want to do: I have create advanced user profiles using usernode, nodeprofile and CCK. Each profile consist of 3 parts: general information, physical information and account information. So I have made these 3 CCK's children of the usernode using nodefamily. Now I want to use all this information together in 1 view with the possibility to search the CCK fields and get a listing of userprofiles.
I have created 4 views: 1 with the nodeprofiles and then 3 with the corresponding information (physical, general, account). Then I fused them together with the nodeprofile view beeing the parent of the other views. Information is displayed but I can't get the search running. I would like to be able to search for eye color (physical information CCK) for example.
The only way I get it running is when I create a filter of eye color in my physical information view, expose it and in filter then select "is one of" and select all the possible values. Only then the search works. Since I might be adding other options for eye color it is not an option that I would need to addjust this view each time to add the value to the filter's possible values. So I am missing something here I guess? Could someone please help me with this one?

Kind regards,

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