[support] permission problem

Bill Fitzgerald bill at funnymonkey.com
Mon Sep 17 04:53:49 UTC 2007

Earnie Boyd wrote:
> Quoting Bill Fitzgerald <bill at funnymonkey.com>:
>> Create a two workflow states: draft and published
>> For draft, only allow the author and site admins to see and edit the node.
>> For published, allow authenticated users to see the node.
> Would you care to elaborate more on this?  How are the workflow states 
> created?
Sure. Via the workflow module -- http://drupal.org/project/workflow

Workflow ships with the workflow access module, which lets you assign 
rights (by role, and by node author) to view, edit, and delete nodes in 
specific workflow states.

So, install the workflow and workflow access modules.

Create your new node type (I recommend using CCK for this). In the 
access control page, assign your authenticated user role the rights to 
create, but not the rights to edit their own posts (rights assigned here 
trump the rights assigned in workflow access).

Then, in the workflow admin settings, create two new workflow states: 
draft and published. For the draft state, only allow the author to view, 
edit, or delete nodes. For the published state, open it up and allow 
authenticated users to view posts.

The best way to sort through this is to install the modules and play 
around a bit -- workflow offers you some pretty amazing options, but you 
need to put in some time getting your head around what it offers.




Bill Fitzgerald
Tools for Teachers

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