[support] Page with two Sections

Fred Jones fredthejonester at gmail.com
Wed Sep 19 14:30:31 UTC 2007

I have several pages with unique layouts from the designer. All share a 
common footer/header but in some there are 2 columns in others 3 
columns. Some have boxes with text others have no boxes--in short, there 
are almost 10 different unique layouts.

I can build each one with HTML no problem, but they want certain pages 
to be easily editable by non-technical personnel--they want to be able 
to edit each item as pure text. So my inclination is to separate these 
pages into separate areas and make each one a node of some sort.

The first idea that comes to mind (for a page with 3 boxes, for example) 
is to make 3 nodes, one for each, and then enter the content. Then I 
make a page and use PHP to put the content of each into the correct <div>.

Then the users can edit the content nodes and not the page nodes.

Questions are: Is this a reasonable approach? Is there a better one? 
Should I use a CCK node for the boxes or would a 'page' be enough? I 
would think that if I only need body and maybe title, that page should 
be enough.


PS: I considered using tinymce or some such and building the pages that 
way, each as one page, but the HTML is generally ugly then and also it 
makes me nervous that it's easy for a user to break a page that way, 
because he has control over the layout, yet doesn't know what he's doing...

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