[support] How do I identify Node IDs?

Eric Mckenna eric.mckenna at gmail.com
Fri Sep 28 18:53:51 UTC 2007

Drupal can always get the internal address from the url with the arg() 

Agon S. Buchholz wrote:
> Hi,
> every node in Druapl has a Node ID (NID) by which internal handling is
> managed. Using the NID is also the safest way to link to a node. But how
> do I identify the NIDs?
> At the moment you're installing a tool like "Pathauto" or "Urlify", all
> NIDs are being hidden from the URL; that's the idea of semantic URLs,
> but how do I now identify the NIDs, e.g. to create stable links to this
> node?
> Is there any setting to display the NID somewhere in the node itself, or
>  maybe a module that provides a "Node info" block containing this
> crucial piece of information?
> Thanks, -asb

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