[support] Getting to the Base URL

tim fong tyfong919 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 1 19:23:16 UTC 2008

Hi Derek,
I had to step away for a few days, am back now.

> 1. Copy the generic apache2 index.html (or whichever test html page you
> say you were able to access) file into the drupal directory. Make sure
> you chown it to apache:apache and then see if you can browse to it with
> the explicit URL ".../drupal/index.html".
Tried this and it still didn't work.

> 2. Did you create an apache2 virtual host for your drupal site? Could
> you post the relevant config snippet you're using for that?

        <VirtualHost *:80>
        DocumentRoot "/var/www/html/drupal"
        ServerName drupal.localhost
        ServerAlias drupal

Funny thing happened-- when I just added this snippet, it now prevents
me from seing localhost/test.html at all.  When I comment the snippet
out, I can at least see the test.html page.


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