[support] Theme Function For Adding jQuery

Jonathan Hedstrom jhedstrom at opensourcery.com
Wed Dec 31 00:57:10 UTC 2008

Steve Edwards wrote:
> I want to create a function in my template.php that will set a
> different banner for certain pages by modifying the background
> property for the div with jQuery.  The jQuery is pretty easy (I would
> just add it using drupal_add_js()), but what I can't figure out is how
> to call it from template.php.  Can I just create my own function in
> template.php that calls drupal_add_js()?  Or do I have to use a hook? 
> I need to have the current URL available to the function.  My first
> thought was to use a preprocess hook, but it seems that the preprocess
> is for adding variables, not this.  If I wanted to write a module I
> could do something like hook_init, but I don't want to have to do a
> module for something small like this if I don't have to.
You can add this via template.php, but before I explain how to do it
that way, you can also simply add the jQuery to script.js, clear the
theme registry, and then the Drupal template system will automatically
add script.js to all you pages.

To add js that doesn't need to be on all pages, or is dynamic in some
way, you can add the following to template.php

if (mytheme_conditional_function()) {
  // Only add js when above condition is met
  drupal_add_js('path/to/js/file', 'theme');
  drupal_add_js(mytheme_some_dynamically_generated_js(), 'inline');
// Always add js

This needs to go /outside/ of any function. JS can also be added via
mytheme_preprocess_page(), but that gets trickier since the js for a
given page has already been aggregated at that point.

More info on all of this can be found here:




Jonathan Hedstrom                                     OpenSourcery
http://opensourcery.com                        Technology for Good

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