[support] Event handling for tabpage's

Scott Matthews smatthews at optaros.com
Wed Feb 20 04:07:02 UTC 2008

	I'm trying to implement a solution where I need to call a javascript  
method when one of the drupal rendered tabs are clicked on.  I tried  
the following solution to no avail:

					/* Tab #1 */
					$form['dispTabs']['tab_one'] = array(
						'#type' => 'tabpage',
						'#title' => t('Tab Number One'),
						'#weight' => '-2',
						'#content' => $tab2Content,
						'#attributes' => array("onclick" =>  
"jscriptMethodToCall(\"Content 1\",\" Conent 2\", null)")

I even attempted to use onmouseup.  Does anyone have an idea as to why  
this does not render?  Are attributes not a valid input for tabpages?   
If not, is there a simple way to do this?

Scott Matthews
Senior Developer
Optaros, Inc.
smatthews at optaros.com

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