[support] Drupal 5.7 - cannot update nodes

Domas Monkus tasdomas at gmail.com
Tue Feb 26 22:09:39 UTC 2008

> You might try adding ``php_value display_errors 1'' temporarily to the
> .htaccess file.  Also look at the watchdog log to see if any php errors
> are showing.

I tried that. Thanks for the advice. However, no errors are reported. What
seems strange is that I can update the tags (taxonomy) of the node, its
title. And, if I disable tinymce, I can update the text BUT only as long, as
I do not put in any HTML tags (even if the input filter is Full HTML).

I am using the module Filter Default, but disabling it did not help. And
everything worked before.

Could this be an issue with input filters? If so, What could be causing it?
The user has permission to use the 'full HTML' input filter.

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