Morbus Iff morbus at disobey.com
Thu Feb 28 02:38:19 UTC 2008

> Logging in users can see the content. It's ROLE #1 (anonymous) that  
> can't see the nodes EVENTHOUGH, and I repeat, the permissions are set  

I've seen this before - it tends to mean your node_access table has 
gotten corrupted. There should be a single entry (at least) in there for 
user 0 (the anonymous user). If there's nothing in there, then that's 
your problem. How much control do you have over your database? Can you 
get access to it to manually run commands?

Morbus Iff ( flee at once -- all is discovered )
Technical: http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/au/779
Enjoy: http://www.disobey.com/ and http://www.videounderbelly.com/
aim: akaMorbus / skype: morbusiff / icq: 2927491 / jabber.org: morbus

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