[support] similar to relatedview but not quite

Idan Arbel idan at arbel-designs.com
Fri Feb 29 22:40:53 UTC 2008



I'm trying to create a view that will display all the nodes of a certain
type created by a user. I'd like this view to be in  a block and to receive
the user from the page that is currently being viewed - node profile page. 


So If I'm looking at a node profile page of user number 1, I'd like to have
a block display all the nodes created by user number 1.


The relatedview module does something quite similar but with taxonomy. I
tried to modify it but couldn't understand the code quite well.


I'm not sure I quite understand how to send a value to a view dynamically
other than the path. And actually I'm not quite sure how to change the paths
to fit what I need.


I'm working on a website that will have different users and these users will
have different projects. And I'd like to create views to display there
projects based on the user, without having to manually create a view each
time. Basically I'd appreciate any help understanding how I can pass
different 'where' values to a view.





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