[support] PayPal module

Alessandro Feijó patrao at legendas.feijo.info
Wed Jan 2 12:19:30 UTC 2008

Its just for donnations and subscriptions

Simple automatic solution.  A form to start the donnate/subscript, leading to paypal site, then when concluded, paypal should execute a link from my site to report back the transaction.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Gordon Heydon 
  To: support at drupal.org 
  Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2008 10:12 AM
  Subject: Re: [support] PayPal module


  This all depends on what you want to do with it.

  e-Commerce v3.x has an ok paypal interface, but v4.x (which is still in alpha) is extremely good.


  Alessandro Feijó wrote: 
    Hi group

    Im looking for a good paypal module

    I tested Simple paypal, but I didnt like it

    And now I need it to work with Drupal 6.  There is any avaiable?

    Should work with IPN.

    that one apear to do that http://drupal.org/project/lm_paypal
    but aparently was abandoned, its not finished even to D5 :(


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