[support] Nodes not saved but I don't understand why.

Davide Michel 'ZioBudda' Morelli michel at ziobudda.net
Wed Jan 2 15:52:25 UTC 2008

Hi all. I have this problem: some nodes (of one of my contents type) 
that my user insert from add content are not stored into DB. When the 
user press to the "Publish" botton I see the POST in httpd-access log, 
but the user is not redirect to the new node, but to homepage without 
message of any type.

Most of these errors are from anonymous users.

I have search into DB via phpmyadmin and I see that there is an entry 
only for "node" table. Where Drupal save the body ?

In node_access I have this :

nid 	gid 	realm 	grant_view 	grant_update 	grant_delete
	1 	0 	0

How can I undestrand where is the problem ?

I have tried to "play" with access controll but nothing.

Pls help me.

Michel 'ZioBudda' Morelli                       michel at ziobudda.net
Consulenza sistemistica in ambito OpenSource.
Sviluppo applicazioni web dinamiche (LAMP+Ajax)
Telefono: 0200619074
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http://www.ziobudda.net                         ICQ: 58351764  
http://www.ziobuddalabs.it                      Skype: zio_budda
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