[support] View of views

Idan Arbel idan at arbel-designs.com
Sat Jan 26 12:30:59 UTC 2008



Is it possible to create a view that will show other views?


I have a content type "portfolio-item".  I have a view with thumbnails of
all the portfolio items of certain term, for example a page with thumbnails
(in a gird) of all the "identity" portfolio items. There might be several
pages of thumbnail for each term.


I have another view that's a simple full node view of portfolio items,
sorted by a term.


I'd like the user to browse through each portfolio item, one by one. When he
gets to the end of the all the items of a certain term, to have the next
page be the thumbnail grid of the next term. After browser through all the
thumbnail pages, he'll start viewing the nodes on by one of the 2nd term.


I was thinking of creating a view for each section: full nodes of term A,
thumbnails of term A, full nodes of term B etc.


And then create another view that will run by all of these views.but I don't
see how I can create a view of views.


Any tips would be greatly appreciated.


Idan Arbel


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