[support] Applying drupal access control to PDF documents.

Roy Smith roy at panix.com
Sun Jan 27 16:27:56 UTC 2008

I've been using the Nodeaccess (5.x-1.x-dev) module to control access  
to a "members only" section of my web site.  I want to put some PDF  
documents on the site, which will be subject to the same access  
control, but I don't see any way to do this.

I can upload the PDFs to the files directory, and link to them from a  
protected page, but that doesn't really protect the PDFs.  Anybody  
who could guess a URL would have unlimited access.  I know I can  
add .htaccess protection at the apache level to the PDF's, but that  
means people need to authenticate twice (once to drupal, again to  
apache).  And, managing two sets of accounts would be a nightmare.

Is there some way to embed a PDF directly as a drupal node, so I can  
control access to it via the same mechanism as the rest of the site?

roy at panix.com

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