[support] Issues with initializing Variables on startup..

Earnie Boyd earnie at users.sourceforge.net
Wed Jan 30 14:17:21 UTC 2008

Quoting Scott Matthews <smatthews at optaros.com>:

> I am on my first project using drupal and want to submit this as a  
> bug but needed to get clarification of the usage and if it already is 
>  a bug.  I'm not saying I'd rather hear from someone other than you,  
> I'm just getting the impression that you, David, are not listening to 
>  the issue I'm stating and are simply shooting down my explanations.
> I do not have to set this in the database but in trying to find a way 
>  to initialize this value that is one of the approaches I attempted.
> Your last scenario of a multi site hosting (or in our case  
> deployment:  QA, Dev, Production) is what I am attempting to do.  You 
>  suggest using Settings.php and I'm saying, as well as being  
> acknowledged by one other person on the list, that the value is  
> getting overridden when we do conf_init.  My frustration is not that  
> my suggestion is not getting accepted as gospel, it's that my queries 
>  are getting shot down with suggestions that things are working as  
> they should without any other investigation.
> If this is not the forum for actually getting support questions  
> answered, then I will just submit bugs and hope they have not been  
> entered.
> On Jan 29, 2008, at 5:01 PM, Metzler, David wrote:

David, I have to agree with Scott; you're not listening.  Setting $conf 
is documented in the default.settings.php file as *the* way to override 
some variables.  The issue Scott is having in doing this was created by 
a patch [1][2] during the Drupal 5 coding phase[3][4] which removed 
$conf from the global declarations.

Scott, please open a bug report issue and attach a patch simply adding 
$conf to the global declarations of conf_init.  The issue continues 
with Drupal 6 as well[5] so you'll need a patch for the Drupal 5 
branch, the current Drupal 6 RC branch and HEAD.  If you need help, 
ping me off list.

[1] http://drupal.org/node/56357#comment-391611
[3] http://api.drupal.org/api/function/conf_init/4.7
[4] http://api.drupal.org/api/function/conf_init/5
[5] http://api.drupal.org/api/function/conf_init/6

Earnie -- http://for-my-kids.com/
-- http://give-me-an-offer.com/

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