[support] cvs diff: list unknown files with question mark

augustin (beginner) drupal.beginner at wechange.org
Sun Jul 13 23:06:00 UTC 2008


Thanks again.

returns nothing.

I checked in the CVSROOT directory, and couldn't find any setting related to 
diff output: I grepped for diff, ignore, IGNORE, etc. but no positive result.

$ alias cvs
bash: alias: cvs: not found

$ alias
alias la='ls -A'
alias ll='ls -l'
alias ls='ls --color=auto'

(cool. I didn't know alias. I learned something. thanks). 

$ which cvs

$ cvs -f diff -up
returns the same patch as without -f.

I think I'll take this up to the official cvs mailing list. Hopefully it's 
still active enough that someone will be able to help me. 

Thanks for trying. :)



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