[support] Getting A View to "ORDER BY RAND ()"

Shai Gluskin shai at content2zero.com
Tue Jul 15 22:12:11 UTC 2008

I have a need for Views to "ORDER BY RAND ()"

The use-case is that I want to pull in the teaser of a particular
content-type for one node only onto the home page. I want it to randomly
select the node it displays.

Everything is easy except the random part. The home page is a panel page.
I've built a view, filtered on content-type, set the number of nodes to
display at "1" -- successfully pulled it into the panel.

I thought the way to do this would be to set a sort criteria. But I see only
"ascending" and "descending" -- I don't see "random" as a choice.

Any ideas?

I'm using Drupal 5.8,  Views 1.6 and Panels 2 Beta


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