[support] Advanced User module

Earnie Boyd earnie at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Mar 13 13:46:56 UTC 2008

Quoting Larry Garfield <larry at garfieldtech.com>:

> Last one for tonight, I promise...
> I am looking into the AdvUser module[1], which seems like a nice utility for
> searching by user profile fields (among other things).  However, its project
> page says "do not use the 5.x-1.x version", but there's also a 2.x version
> branched.  The issue queue doesn't look especially active.  Does anyone have
> any experience with it, good or bad?
> [1] http://drupal.org/project/advuser

Funny you should ask.  I made myself a commitment to look at the issues 
at the end of the day yesterday so that i could do a release.  I'll be 
concentrating on making 2.x work and then release it; hopefully before 
the end of the month.  I picked up maintenance on a 4th generation 
hand-me-down and just haven't had time to apply toward the 5.x version. 
  I use it in a DRUPAL-4.7 implementation, I now want to move that 
system to DRUPAL-5 but I need this module working. ;t  I'll post a 
response to this when I'm close.  Help coding and testing are 

Earnie -- http://for-my-kids.com/
-- http://give-me-an-offer.com/

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