[support] File system out of root

Xavier Bestel xavier.bestel at free.fr
Wed Mar 19 14:44:42 UTC 2008

On Wed, 2008-03-19 at 09:38 -0400, Mark Shropshire wrote:
> Good point Ivan.. Thanks!
> Do you happen to know what to put into .htaccess to make this happen  
> so I can keep in my notes?
> Also.. I think there was a summer of code project to allow private and  
> public files simultaneously. I haven't tried the module, but that  
> would be nice so you don't have to stream every image just because you  
> need a few files protected.

Just as a datapoint, I have been very disappointed with drupal's
performance until I got rid of that private filesystem thing.
Filtered access through drupal (5.x) and direct access (i.e. just
apache) are like day and night in terms of speed. Previously I could
watch my acidfree galleries display one thumbnail per second, now the
whole page displays instantly.

I understand the /system/ dir is needed for access control, but the way
it's implemented looks suboptimal to me. Not that I have a better idea
right now.


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