[support] $form[#method] = 'get' - no form validation (drupal 5.7, 6.2)

Matej Svetlík matej.svetlik at cetelem.sk
Fri May 30 12:21:20 UTC 2008


I have small problem with drupal forms. i have function like:

function some_menu_callback()
    $form = drupal_get_form('some_form');
    if (count(form_get_errors('some_form')) != 0) return $form;

    // do something ....

    return $form . $some_results;

function some_form()
    $form['#method'] = 'post'
    $form['#multistep'] = true
    $form['#redirect'] = false


    return form;

when I use $form['#method'] = 'post' it works fine ... 
but when I change form method to  'get' (because internet exporer has
problems with printing "post-ed" form-results) the form_validate() hook
isn't called and form_get_errors return always 0; how can I force the
form to always call hook_validate? or is there better way how to create
search-like forms witch display same form + results when they are
submitted ?

thanks for your help

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