[support] Views and Menu

Daniel Carrera daniel.carrera at zmsl.com
Thu Oct 30 13:38:44 UTC 2008


I have made a view with the views module (Drupal 5). The URL for my view 
is "user/$arg/pages" and it shows a list of pages for that user. Now, I 
would really really like to put this on the menu and I can't. I want to 
have a menu entry that says "My pages".

I am on the "edit view" page. I'm looking at the menu section, but I 
can't make it do what I want. The Menu section looks like this:

---- SNIP START ----
[x] Provide Menu
If checked this view be given a menu entry in the Drupal menu system. If 
not checked the data in this group will be ignored.

[ ] Provide Menu as Tab
If checked this view's menu entry will be provided as a tab rather than 
in the main menu system.

Tab Weight: [ 1           ]

If this is a menu tab, select the weight; lower numbers will be further 
to the left.

Menu Title: [ My pages    ]

Enter the title to use for the menu entry or tab. If blank, the page 
title will be used.
---- SNIP END ----

So "Provide menu" is checked, but there is no menu. If I check "Provide 
menu as tab", I see a tab in the "My account" page, so this function is 
at least partially working. But when I un-check it, I don't see anything 
in the menu. I go to admin/build/menu and I don't see my entry there. 
Not even disabled.


I would be grateful for any guidance you might offer.


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