[support] couple of issues with an sql query and theming a db query

Ivan Sergio Borgonovo mail at webthatworks.it
Wed Sep 10 10:56:49 UTC 2008

On Wed, 10 Sep 2008 12:12:27 +0200
"Neil: esl-lounge.com" <neil at esl-lounge.com> wrote:

> $query= "SELECT node.title, node.nid, node_counter.totalcount FROM
> node INNER JOIN node_counter ON node.nid = node_counter.nid WHERE
> uid = $uid ORDER BY totalcount DESC LIMIT 5";

> which gives me the top 5 viewed pages for each user on their
> main /user page. It's very handy and I think I'll use it. Can
> someone give me a pointer to go the next step towards my initial
> aim, the total of a user's pageviews and then a list of the top X

select sum(node_counter.totalcount) from node
inner join node_counter on node.nid = node_counter.nid
where node.uid=$uid;
total page viewed by a user if I interpret it right.

> users on a site based on pageviews. I know I need to use SUM in
> the sql statement but I don't seem to be able to get the syntax
> right.

select uid, sum(node_counter.totalcount) from node
inner join node_counter on node.nid = node_counter.nid
group by node.uid order by sum(node_counter.totalcount) desc limit 5;

If I interpret it right.

The second query may be pretty expensive.

Ivan Sergio Borgonovo

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