[support] drupal_urlencode() vs urlencode()

Clarke Robin Robin.Clarke at networkrail.co.uk
Tue Sep 30 09:14:14 UTC 2008


I hope this list is still running - I haven't received anything in a few days now.

I am new to Drupal and am struggling to work out when I should use drupal_urlencode() and when I should use urlencode(). And is there a urldecode()? I cant find one.

The exact problem I have has to do with putting a filename into a URL as a request parameter. This was being put into a URL without any encoding and worked fine until someone added a file with an & in the name. So I looked into drupal_urlencode(), but it seems to not work, while urlencode() works perfectly.

When I use drupal_encode():

$filename = 'Arm&Hammer.jpg';

$req_param = drupal_urlencode($filename)

The URL for the link produced is:

And when I extract the parameter in download.php and use it I get the following error message:

warning: fopen(C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\drupal_files/images/Arm%26Hammer.jpg) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\download.php on line 10.

When I use urlencode():

$req_param = urlencode($filename)


download.php is able to extract the request parameter and open the file.

Can someone please explain to me when I should be using drupal_urlencode() and when I should use urlencode().

Thank you




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