[support] sharing views in multisites

Lluís enboig at gmail.com
Tue Sep 30 11:18:23 UTC 2008

I was going to install/mantain around 130 sites which should be nearly
the same: same roles, users (but users have diferent roles in every
site), menus, blocks..... I am using a modifications of "multisite
manager" and "rollout" to create them.

Is there any problem sharing any of the tables?
- users: no problem
- roles: ?
- menus: ?
- views: ?
- sequences: no problem
- sessions: no problem
- system: ?
- url_alias: ?

My major concern right now is about sharing views; I know it is easy
to import/export them, but being able to automatically have the new
view in every site would be great.

*La vida és com una moneda, la pots gastar en el que vulguis però
només una vegada.
*La felicitat ha de ser compatible, compartible i cooperativa.
*Envellim quan els records superen les il·lusions.
*Als llocs desconeguts només s'hi arriba per camins desconeguts.
*Abans d'imprimir aquest missatge, pensa en el medi ambient.

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