[support] Flash objects within a module

Yani akayani at aapt.net.au
Thu Dec 10 12:56:43 UTC 2009



I'm trying to add a Flash object to an existing module.


I've tried a couple of ways without success.


I've created a module.

I have SWFTool with SWFObject2 enabled


Using JS as per this



  var flashtags = $('<div>[swf

  if (Drupal.jsEnabled) {





By doing that I end up with this printed at the bottom of the form


[swf file="http://XXX/sites/all/modules/flashtags/flash/flashtags.swf"]


But no Flash object.


I tried this approach.


function privatemsg_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {


$vars['swf_tags'] =

  array('width' => '420', 'height' => '140', 'bgcolor' => '#336699'), FALSE,

  array('html_alt' => 'Name of site if flash is disabled.')



  if ($form_id == 'privatemsg_new' && user_access('create flashtags')) {

    $form['privatemsg']['flashtags'] = array(

        '#type' => 'fieldset',

        '#access' => user_access('create flashtags'),

        '#title' => t('Flash Tags'),

        '#collapsible' => FALSE,

        '#collapsed' => empty($form['#privatemsg_message']['flashtags']),

        '#description' => t('Flashtags are used to add a context to a
message and only viewable by the sender.'),

        '#prefix' => '<div class="flashtags">',

        '#value' => print $swf_tags,

        '#suffix' => '</div>',

        '#weight' => 1,





Obviously I'm missing something in understanding how to make that work. It's
creating a field set on the form but no Flash object. Value is unlikely to
be the right name. I'm not sure what this should be.


Anyone got some clues for me on this? 




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