[support] rotating views

Bob Morse bob at morsemedia.net
Mon Feb 9 21:51:53 UTC 2009

Have you tried Openx? http://drupal.org/project/openx (for D6 only).

Christopher M. Jones wrote:
> Ok, all points well taken. Since you handle lots of ads, maybe you can 
> give me some advice for how else to proceed. We have a directory of 
> service providers on our site. The provider record is a cck type with 
> geocoded address. The results are displayed using Views, using the gmap 
> proximity search.
> Now they want to sell ads by location, so that providers' ads are 
> displayed on searches that return results within a certain proximity of 
> them.
> I thought this might be doable by building the ad block as a View with a 
> proximity argument, same as the actual search results. Thus my interest 
> in views for this task.
> I thought to chuck Advertisement for two reasons: first, I can't see a 
> way to do the above with it, though it does have geoip. Maybe I should 
> just convince the client to do things that way, instead. But aside from 
> that, we're having problems with the flash_ad module, which doesn't seem 
> to track clicks properly. I've read the big thread on that topic 
> (reference escapes me) but I just haven't had a chance to try out all 
> the patches and combinations of patches that are mentioned there. The 
> sum of shortcomings seemed to suggest to me that we wanted to look 
> elsewhere.
> Any suggestions?
> Ronald Ashri wrote:
>> Hi Christopher - we handle lots of ads on our websites and Views would 
>> not be the way to go for the critical ads - you only have the random 
>> feature which is not something that provides any guarantees in fairness 
>> across the same day, etc.
>> I also don't know to which extend it is worth creating a view of banners 
>> and then rotating them - views is really best suited for results that 
>> can be cached to a certain extend - especially on sites that are visited 
>> often.
>> Given that code is needed the best at this point is probably a custom 
>> module that resolves your specific problem.
>> Just out of curiosity why do you want to stop using the Advertisement 
>> module?
>> Ronald
>> Christopher M. Jones wrote:
>>> Hmm. Yes, for starters. But since this is for ads, it's important to be
>>> able to guarantee the advertiser a certain number of views per page
>>> load. So I'm not sure random would fly. And now I'm thinking that I
>>> probably need some code in there to get certain ads displaying more
>>> often than others. So maybe I really do need to write this code.
>>> John Callahan wrote:
>>>> Could you create a view that displays only one item and sorted randomly?
>>>> - John
>>>> Christopher M. Jones wrote:
>>>>> I'm looking for a way to rotate views. I've seen "Views Rotator", but it
>>>>> doesn't look like it does exactly what I want. I need the view to rotate
>>>>> for each time a page is loaded, while views rotator rotates on the same
>>>>> page via jquery.
>>>>> What I'm after is a way to replace the advertisement module using views
>>>>> and click filter. A different ad should show each time the user loads a
>>>>> page. I'm thinking that I need to set a cookie to hold the incremented
>>>>> offset, and pull that value into the view whenever it is called. I can
>>>>> write this code, but I'd rather drop a module in and call it done.
>>>>> Anybody know of any thing that will do this for D5.x?

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