[support] Drupal goes blank

Earnie Boyd earnie at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Feb 13 12:45:32 UTC 2009

Quoting Néstor <rotsen at gmail.com>:

> I log out and then logged back in and it is working now.
> I had notice that before, where Drupal gets lost and if I logout and
> log in then Drupal clear its memory and it is ready to go.

That is true for any website that controls the sessions of 
authenticated users.

> It might be a PHP thing but Drupal is base on PHP and if a module
> is downloaded from the Drupal site it should not cause problems.

I wouldn't say that.  The contributed modules are what others think are 
handy dandy tools.  Some have better developers and maintenance methods 
than others.  Some *you* end up debugging before you can use them.  
Always test modules in development before moving them to production.

> Not knowing enough about Drupal, I think that if you load several
> modules at a time then Drupal gets confuse.   I also noticed that
> when I load a module and if it has several things to select, is better
> not to choose all of them at once because it is bound to go blank on you.

The problem with selecting a large amount of new modules to activate is 
the install process.  Nearly all the modules will install a table or 
two and creating tables will take some time.  If your PHP limits are 
set to factory default or less and you choose several modules you could 
easily reach the stop processing threshold.  This isn't a Drupal issue 
it is a system configuration issue.  Both Apache, PHP and MySQL (or 
whatever DB you use) need tuned to meet your needs.

Earnie  http://r-feed.com
  Make a Drupal difference and review core patches.

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