[support] Documentation/Support for OpenID login in 6.x?

Steven Scotten steves at splicer.com
Thu Jan 1 23:10:54 UTC 2009

I'll preface all the rest of this by saying: maybe I'm just dense.  
PLEASE this is NOT a request for anyone to fix my issue. This is a  
request to find the information so that I can fix it myself. I am NOT  
accusing any Drupal code of having any bugs and I am NOT blaming my  
issues on anyone. I just want to be able to find out where I should be  
reading for more information.

I'm on Drupal 6.8 here and I'm receiving user complaints that OpenID  
login is not working. I did some searching on the messages one of them  
received and found information about this very issue on the 5.x  
version of the module. There's a patch there, but it's not a patch for  
6.x. I have so far failed to find any information about the OpenID  
module since it got rolled into Core, except for mentions and requests  
for modifications to this 5.x patch for use with 6.x, all in the page  
for the OpenID module which, of course has no mention of 6.x or any  
ability to mark an issue or support request as being for a 6.x version.

Drupal.org search doesn't provide anything about the new Core version  
of the OpenID module. Not in the first four pages of search anyway,  
but I'd hope that I wouldn't have to dig that far to find  
documentation about the current version.

Any pointers as to where I should be looking and where I should be  
asking and describing my actual problem if that fails?

Obviously I must just be dense. Because I know no one working on  
Drupal is stupid enough to think that modules that get rolled into  
Core no longer have questions or issues. I really must be overlooking  
something obvious, but I've been overlooking it for about four hours a  
day for the last three days, so I'm gonna be "that guy" and ask the  
stupid question.

Thanks for your indulgence,


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