[support] Theme inheritance broken

Henning Sprang henning.sprang at gmail.com
Tue Jan 27 18:50:44 UTC 2009

Hi Scott,
I'm also relatively new in drupal, so I don't see exactly what's going
wrong in your special case, but I might have some hints that hopefully
get you further:

* as far as I understood, the garland theme is not especially made to
be extended and customized.
The Zen theme is made for exactly this, maybe the "basic" theme, also.
You might have moire luck working with these?!
* This mailing list is not very crowded - it seems you have much
better chances to be read and replied to when using drupal.org's
website for questions and problem reports.
* if you go there and ask for help, you should post the exact error
message you are getting, and the code part where you define garland as
the base them, you might have a typo somewhere - if inheriting of
template.php doesn't work, the whole parent thing seems not to work at


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