[support] block view listing events

sivaji j.g sivaji2009 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 3 00:30:55 UTC 2009

I have a content type named "event" which has two node reference field
"sponsor" and  "band". I want to create a block view which list the
event title and event timing based on current nodes band and sponsor.


The above link has image which clearly explains the thing i need to
do. The image shows the full node view of event type content in
content region (where "tippery band" is sponser and "chitanya band" is
band). On the right hand side i need to have two block. The first
block need to events list filtered by band ("chitanya band") and the
second block need to have events list filtered by sponsors ("tippery

Please let me know how this can be achieved using views and/or panels.

Thanks a lot

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